


How to use and maintain drip tape?

Although the drip irrigation belt has many advantages, it can also improve the yield and quality of the crop. If the drip irrigation belt is not properly used and managed, the drip irrigation belt may not achieve the expected results, or it may even cause the drip irrigation belt to not operate normally. Let me introduce how to use and manage the drip irrigation belt correctly :

1. Develop a reasonable irrigation system
Drip irrigation flow is low, users often do not see the irrigation process, if the irrigation time is too long, it may produce deep leakage of waste; if the irrigation time is too short, water stress will occur in the root system. Understanding the irrigation intensity of the irrigation system, plant water demand and soil field water holding capacity can better irrigate according to plant needs. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the irrigation cycle and the amount of irrigation should be adjusted according to the climate and different growth stages of plants, and the same irrigation system cannot always be used.

2. Reasonable choice of dripper
Drip irrigation drippers are usually divided into two models, pressure-compensated drippers and non-pressure-compensated ones. Although the pressure compensation type is more expensive, the effect is better. First, the pressure-compensated dripper can ensure that each dripper produces even water and uniform fertilization and irrigation. Secondly, some pressure-compensated drippers can wash out the debris blocking the dripper, and some pressure-compensated drippers have large flow channels, which reduces the possibility of clogging of the dripper.

3. Filter equipment must be installed at the water source of the drip irrigation belt
Many users mistakenly believe that well water does not need to be filtered. In fact, well water often contains coarse sand, fine sand and some chemicals, which block the dripper. Common filters include mesh filters, laminated filters and sand filters, and centrifugal filters should be used if there is sand in the water. Before starting to install the filtration system, the physical and chemical composition of the water quality should be analyzed, the appropriate filtration facilities should be used according to the water quality, and the dripper with anti-clogging performance should be selected.

Schematic diagram of drip irrigation system



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