


How to solve the drip irrigation blockage?

Solution to the drip irrigation blockage:

1. Drip irrigation water pretreatment: Drip irrigation belt manufacturers introduce this as the most cost-effective method to prevent clogging. The stricter the pretreatment, the less physical clogging will occur. According to the water quality and flow rate, three wire fences are made of barbed wire at the water intake of the pump. The number of grids installed is from small to large, which can range from 10 to 50, respectively, to remove suspended mud and debris. Or the river water is introduced into the reservoir, and it is set aside after sedimentation, and covered with light to prevent sundries and algae breeding.

2. Filtration system and drip irrigation pipe installation: The first part should be installed with sand filter, lamination filter, screen filter or combination according to the pretreated water quality. The treated water quality can reach The standard of use of drip irrigation water. If a small-flow screen filter is installed after the shed head valve for secondary filtration treatment, the safety performance of anti-clogging of the drip irrigation system can be greatly improved. When a drip irrigation pipe is installed in the field, the drip hole on the drip irrigation pipe faces upwards, which can cause a small amount of impurities in the water to settle on the bottom of the pipe and prevent the root system from invading the drip irrigation hole.

3. Drip irrigation fertilization is used correctly: firstly, soluble fertilizer should be selected, and the fertilizer must be installed before the filter. Manufacturers of drip irrigation belts can only fertilize when the filtering equipment of the drip irrigation system is normal. After the fertilization is completed, the system should be rinsed with clean water for about 15-30 minutes to prevent precipitation of the remaining fertilizer in the pipeline.

4. Drip irrigation pipes and filters are regularly washed and protected: When a new drip irrigation pipe is used for the first time, the plug at the end of the drip irrigation pipe must be opened, and the water should be fully rinsed. The impurities in the pipe can be used before starting to use. Generally, after 5 times Rinse again. Always check the filter before watering, turn on the filter backwash device to decontaminate, remove impurities accumulated on the filter screen in time, prevent the filter from being blocked, and replace the filter screen if it is damaged.

5. Chemical anti-blocking: If chemical blocking of fertilizers and other problems occurs in the drip irrigation system, acid cleaning can be performed if necessary, which can achieve the effects of disinfection, suppression and elimination of algae and microorganisms in the water at the same time. Manufacturers of drip irrigation belts often use acids such as perchloric acid, nitric acid, and sulfuric acid. When using, adjust the pH to 5.5-6.0, and strictly control the concentration when handling to avoid causing harm to the crops.

drip irrigation



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