


Advantages of vineyard drip irrigation

The main advantages of drip irrigation in vineyards are:

1. Water saving and energy saving: Drip irrigation saves 30% -40% more water than ground furrow irrigation, thereby saving the energy consumption of pumped oil and electricity.

2. Drip irrigation basically does not affect the ground temperature: the drip irrigation water volume is small, and it is not a one-time irrigation, so the direct impact on the ground temperature is small. Moreover, drip irrigation is to irrigate the water in the underground root zone. The amount of ground evaporation water is small, reducing the soil evaporation heat consumption. Therefore, the ground temperature of drip irrigation vineyards is generally higher than that of traditional ground irrigation, so the grapes grow fast and mature early. This is even more significant in facility cultivation.

3. The damage to the soil structure is significantly reduced: drip irrigation is a method of drip infiltration and water supply to the soil, which will not cause damage to the soil structure.

4. Reduced air humidity: As the ground evaporation is greatly reduced, the relative humidity of the air around the vineyard canopy is reduced by about 10% compared with ground irrigation, which greatly reduces the occurrence and spread of pests and diseases.

5. Reduced the chances of spreading and re-infecting certain diseases, especially root cancer, that are transmitted by irrigation water.

6. Drip irrigation combined with top dressing and fertilizer application improves labor productivity. A facility fertilizer device is attached to the drip irrigation system, and the fertilizer is sent to the vicinity of the root zone along with the irrigation water, which not only saves fertilizer, but also improves fertilizer efficiency and saves fertilizer. Some pesticides used for soil disinfection and applied from the roots can also be applied to the soil by drip irrigation, thereby saving labor costs and improving the effect of medication.

7. Drip irrigation saves labor and effort: Drip irrigation is a semi-automatic mechanical irrigation method. Installed drip irrigation equipment, as long as the valve is opened and adjusted to an appropriate pressure, it can irrigate itself.



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